Government and Policy

US report on China met with firm opposition

By Ma Liyao (
Updated: 2010-08-18 15:28
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China's Ministry of National Defense firmly opposed on Aug 18 the just issued annual report by the United States Department of Defense, saying the report was void of objectivity.

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In the report Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China, the US accuses China's normal national defense and military construction, playing up the so-called military threat to Taiwan from the mainland, and also accuses China of impeding bilateral military cooperation, said Senior Colonel Geng Yansheng, Defense Ministry spokesman.

Geng re-emphasized that China has unswervingly followed the path of peaceful development, pursued a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and did not engage in arms race or pose military threats to any other country. China's military development is reasonable and moderate, aimed at safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also complies with the rapid change in world military revolution. China's military has vigorously pursued foreign exchanges and cooperation, committed to maintaining world peace and stability.

Geng said China has paid persistent attention to improving Sino-US military relations, and is making every effort toward that goal. The report goes against the improvement of bilateral ties. “We ask the US to look on China's national and military construction objectively and justly, stop words and deeds that are to the disadvantage of the bilateral relations and mutual trust, stop releasing the Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China, and create a good atmosphere and conditions for improving military relations.”