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Barack Obama elected US President
Updated: 2008-11-05 19:55

This man has created history in the US.

According to US media projections, Democrat Barack Obama has scored a landslide victory in the marathon presidential race to be elected as the first African-American US president.

In his hometown in Chicago, Obama told cheering supporters that change has come to America, but admitted that the road ahead will be long.

Barack Obama, US President-elect, said, "Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there."

While addressing supporters in Phoenix, Arizona, his home state, John McCain conceded defeat and congratulated Obama on his victory.

John McCain, Republican Presidential Candidate, said, "The American people have spoken, and spoken clearly. It's natural tonight to feel some disappointment but tomorrow we must move beyond it and get our country moving."

Obama is scheduled to be sworn in next January. For him, the president-elect may face an array of challenges over the next four years, including the economic crisis, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a potential healthcare overhaul and many others.

Obama has called on Americans to back a spirit of unity to handle the pressing issues facing the country.