CHINA> National
President Hu meets Bush on bilateral ties, Taiwan
Updated: 2008-07-09 21:47

On the Doha Round of trade talks, Hu said China has actively participated in the talks and has maintained an open market, thus fulfilling the obligations following its entry into the World Trade Organization.

On the Taiwan issue, Hu spoke of the recent developments in the cross-Straits situation, especially the resumption of talks between the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation following a nine-year hiatus.

China will adhere to the theme of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, and promote exchanges and cooperation in economy, culture and other fields, he said.

Bush expressed his pleasure at the the improvement of relations across the Taiwan Straits.

While drawing attention to the significant progress made at the six-party talks, Hu also cautioned that all parties still have many more things to do in order to truly realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Bush agreed that tangible outcome has been achieved at the six-party talks. He hailed the active participation of China in the negotiations, and hoped the second-phase action would be accomplished in a verifiable manner.

The two leaders also discussed the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games. Bush said he is looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of the Games with his family and enjoying the events.

Hu extended a warm welcome to Bush for the Olympics, saying that his wish to be present at the Games proves the US leader values the friendship between the Chinese and American peoples.

Hu also expressed his gratitude to President Bush, the US government and people for their condolences and generous assistance to the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck China's southwestern Sichuan province in May.

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