China confirms heavy oil delivery to DPRK

Updated: 2007-09-27 17:31

BEIJING -- Fifty thousand tons of heavy oil assistance provided by China has recently arrived at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

The Ministry's spokeswoman Jiang Yu said at a regular press conference that China was willing to make joint efforts with other parties to implement the joint document issued on February 13 in a all-round and balanced way so as to continuously push forward the process of the six-party talks.

China hopes all the parties involved to continue making active efforts and make sure that the second phase of the sixth round of the six-party talks will achieve positive results, Jiang said.

The target for this phase of the talks is to conduct in-depth discussions on follow-up actions to be taken for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, she said.

The DPRK, under a joint document issued at the six-party talks on February 13, should declare all nuclear programs and disable all existing nuclear facilities in exchange for one million tons of heavy oil or equivalent aid.

The Republic of Korea (ROK) provided the first batch of 50,000 tons of heavy oil assistance. China's is the second batch.

The six-party talks, initiated in 2003, involve China, the DPRK, the United States, the ROK, Russia and Japan.

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