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Tackling climate change

Updated: 2008-12-01 07:48
(China Daily)

Despite the deepening financial crisis, most Chinese people believe that the central government is moving in the right direction to tackle climate change, according to a survey conducted by the HSBC Climate Partnership.

The survey's results show that compared with other countries and regions surveyed, respondents in the Chinese mainland are confident that the government is doing what they think it should in tackling climate change.

When asked who should be playing a major role in helping reduce climate change, 53 percent selected government, and 51 percent believe the government is currently playing this role.

The survey also found Chinese respondents were the most prepared in the world to make a personal sacrifice to tackle climate change and the number with this view is increasing. Last year 44 percent of respondents said they were prepared to make a personal commitment to change their lifestyle to fight climate change, compared to 56 percent this year.

The HSBC Climate Change Partnership is a five-year partnership from 2007-2012 between HSBC and The Climate Group, Earthwatch Institute, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and WWF, which aims to combat the urgent threat of climate change by inspiring individuals, businesses and governments worldwide.

The research, conducted between mid-September and early October 2008, was carried out for the second year by Lightspeed among 1,000 respondents in Asia-Pacific regions.

In summary the global results found:

The economic situation has not dampened enthusiasm for government action. Forty-three percent of people chose climate change ahead of the global economy when asked about their current concerns, despite the turmoil in the financial markets taking place at the time.

In a clear call for resolution to the debate on emission targets, 77 percent of people surveyed worldwide want to see their government cutting carbon emissions by their national 'fair share' or more to allow less developed economies to grow.

Twice as many people say that governments should invest in renewable energy (55 percent) than participate in international negotiations on climate change (27 percent).

Richard Yorke, president and CEO of HSBC China, says: "China is a key focus of the HSBC Climate Partnership with the Bank investing over US$20million on projects in the country over the next five years."

CBW News

(China Daily 12/01/2008 page5)

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