Leading steelmaker seeks sustainable development
(China Daily)
Updated: 2006-09-04 09:06

Arcelor Mittal, the world's leading steel company, places its commitment to sustainable development at the heart of its strategy.

Arcelor Mittal's sustainable development strategy, developing eight main areas of action, distinguishes itself from the conventional concept, solely focusing on environmental responsibility.

The eight priorities include profitability, employees' safety and health, environmental protection, dialogue with partners, skill development, innovation and quality, corporate governance, and enterprise citizenship.

This multi-criteria "sustainable development" approach is summarized into four corporate values: profit, people, partners and planet.

Profitability, which ensures an enterprise's survival and provides necessary funds to fulfil other ambitions, is vital to Arcelor Mittal's sustainable development.

It requires sound financial management and carefully considered investment decisions.

Executives encourage their staff to reduce costs whenever possible and satisfy customers by ensuring quality products.

Production safety is more than a priority in Arcelor Mittal. The company sets precise objectives for each of its plants to reduce accident rates.

The members of the management board of the company regularly visit production plant, paying particular attention to the wearing of personal safety equipment.

To boost co-operation with sub-contractors in respect to production safety, Arcelor Mittal has established the Health and Safety Prize to reward efforts in the prevention of industrial accidents and safety education.

Leading-edge technologies, a guarantee for high-quality products of the company, are a cornerstone for Arcelor Mittal's sustainable development.

Arcelor Mittal is always pursuing new solutions and new ideas for steel production.

In the company, innovation is not the only the domain of researchers and specialists.

Every member of the group company is encouraged to innovate and devise operation techniques in his or her field of work. Innovation and creativity have become a state of mind shared by all.

The company offers an annually updated training plan to help employees acquire new skills.

Arcelor Mittal promotes intra-company dialogue and the integration of varied cultures.

Based on such a belief, the company attaches importance to developing both personal and inter-personal skills.

Arcelor Mittal values and favours social dialogue at every level of the company. The 18 strong board of directors comprises three staff representatives.

Environmental protection is without doubt a contributing factor to Arcelor Mittal's healthy growth.

The company is constantly improving its production processes, seeking to reduce industrial waste and expanding energy-efficiency and environmentally friendly products.

Overall, Arcelor Mittal respects the highest standards in corporate social responsibility. Support is being provided in the education, healthcare, sports, enterprise and cultural fields.

The company intends to periodically publish significant sustainable development key performance indicators to show how it lives up to this ambition.

(China Daily 09/04/2006 page6)