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China Daily Website

  • Cell phones expose younger Chinese children to Internet: survey

    2011-03-01 16:13

    As cell phones provide a more convenient and inconspicuous alternative to net surfing, Chinese minors are obtaining access to the Internet at a much younger age, triggering concerns about their healthy development, according to a recent survey.

  • China helps workers regain 39.12b of back pay

    2011-03-01 13:30

    The Chinese government has helped retrieve 39.12 billion yuan ($5.95 billion) in back pay for some 33.53 million workers during the past five years, an official said on Monday.

  • Hong Kong's exchange fund total assets up HK$159.3b

    2011-03-01 13:25

    Hong Kong's total Exchange Fund assets rose HK$159.3 billion ($20.45 billion) from the end of December, 2010 to HK$2.505 trillion at the end of January, 2011, the city's Monetary Authority said on Monday.

  • China's exports of cultrual products accelerating

    2011-03-01 10:41

    China Monday said its trade deficit of cultural products and services have been gradually shrinking in recent years.

  • China's PMI drops to 6-month low in February

    2011-03-01 10:13

    The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) of China's manufacturing sector weakened to 52.2 percent in February, a six-month low, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) said Tuesday.

  • China's holdings of US debt revised up to $1.16t

    2011-03-01 09:20

    China's holdings of long-term US Treasury securities totaled $1.16 trillion at the end of December 2010, according to an annual revision report released by the US Treasury Department on Monday.

  • Nearly 16% of digital cameras below standards

    2011-02-28 16:20

    A report by the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce (CECC) Sunday said that among the 14 tested brands' 34 products, 15.9% of the products' function terms were below industrial standards, Jinghua Times reported Monday.

  • China's energy consumption per unit of GDP drops 4% in 2010

    2011-02-28 13:01

    China's energy consumption per 10,000 yuan ($1,520) of gross domestic product went down 4.01 percent year-on-year in 2010, said the National Bureau of Statistics Monday.

  • China's 2010 gross oceanic product reaches 3.8t yuan

    2011-02-26 17:29

    The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) told Xinhua Saturday that China's gross oceanic product was worth 3.8 trillion yuan ($577.89 billion). 

  • HK's new mortgage loans drop 3.2% in Jan

    2011-02-26 15:00

    New mortgage loans in Hong Kong dropped by 3.2 percent month on month in January to HK$28 billion, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority said on Friday. 

  • User numbers for 3G Internet top 50 million

    2011-02-26 10:10

    Three years after the establishment of third-generation (3G) networks by China's three major telecommunications companies, the number of 3G users passed 50 million in January.

  • Industry contributed 49% to economic growth in 2010

    2011-02-25 15:58

    The industrial added value of all above-scale industries increased 15.7 percent year-on-year in 2010, 4.7 percentage points higher than last year's figure.
