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China Daily Website

France welcomes Chinese investment

Updated: 2013-01-09 12:15
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - Chinese investors should have confidence in the French economy and engage in more investment there, France's minister of economy and finance said in Beijing on Tuesday.

Pierre Moscovici said 2013 will be a difficult year for Europe, but people should be optimistic in the economies of France and the whole euro zone, when he delivered a speech at the Beijing-based People's University of China.

Compared with the amount of French investment in China, Chinese investment in France is small, according to the minister.

Economic cooperation between France and China is mutually beneficial as it creates jobs in France and provides huge business chances for China, said Moscovici.

"I am not a protectionist minister," he said, "and there is no political obstacles in principle."

Cooperation with developing countries, such as China, will help the euro zone fight economic recession, according to Moscovici.

France has trust in its partners, he added, in order to dismiss worries that frictions in some investment areas may undermine economic cooperation.

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