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China Daily Website

Premier Wen urges to stabilize export growth

Updated: 2012-08-27 09:58
( Xinhua)

GUANGZHOU -- Premier Wen Jiabao said China should carry out targeted efforts to steady export growth so the country can hopefully meet this year's economic and social development goals.

During an inspection tour to the southern province of Guangdong, the country's major exporter of goods, Wen said China should place high attention to the difficulties and uncertainties facing exports, which had taken a hit from the economic global climate.

"The third quarter of the year is a critical period for China to realize the year's export growth target and we should take targeted steps to stabilize growth," Wen said.

His latest remarks came as export growth slowed sharply in July to a six-month low following dwindling demand from Europe and Japan.

Exports rose 1 percent year-on-year to $176.9 billion in July, plummeting from the 11.3-percent growth seen in June, official data showed.

