Business / Industries

China willing to co-op with US on aerospace technologies

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-06-13 13:23

BEIJING - China on Tuesday expressed willingness to conduct aerospace cooperation on technologies with the United States.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin made the remarks at a regular press briefing in response to comments that China is catching up the US in terms of the aerospace development.

Media reports said that China will launch its Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft in mid-June to perform the country's first manned space docking mission with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space lab module.

The spacecraft and its carrier rocket, the Long March-2F, were moved to the launch platform at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Saturday.

Liu said China's space industry is an important part of the peaceful exploration and utilization of outer space by the whole of humanity.

"China's space activities are for peaceful purposes," he added.

China is ready to conduct international cooperation with other countries on aerospace technologies, including manned spaceflight technologies, on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, so as to make positive contributions to the peaceful use of outer space and the well-being of all humanity, he said.

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