Rights to use 'Lianliankan' trademark priced at one yuan

Updated: 2011-09-23 16:38

By Zhi Yun (chinadaily.com.cn)

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Famous Chinese brand owner, Lianliankan held a one yuan trademark authorization press conference in Beijing on September 20.

During the conference, the company announced that all companies using the trademark "Lianliankan" in the current online game market only need to pay one yuan for brand authorization.

Any company or person using the trademark without authorization, or fails to sign the contract with "Lianliankan" company before December 21, 2011 will have no rights to use the trademark in the future.

The online game "Lianliankan", a puzzle game that links patterns together, is one of the most popular games in China.

The "Lianliankan" company gained ownership of the trademark in 2006.

However, the trademark "Lianliankan" has been used by a number of websites and telecom operators, many of them unauthorized.

"The one yuan authorization plan of 'Lianliankan' company is a good way to improve Internet intellectual property protection in China," according to Zhu Xuezhong, a councilman of the China Intellectual Property Society.