BIZCHINA> Biz Media Digest
Energy: China releasing oil products reserves to quake-hit Sichuan
Updated: 2008-05-19 17:08

China's State Reserves Bureau is releasing oil products from state reserves to ensure supplies to southwestern Sichuan province, which was struck by a strong earthquake last Monday, the country's top economic planning agency said.

As of yesterday, 6,313 tons of oil products had been delivered out of reserves, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a statement.

The State Reserves Bureau also plans to release gasoline and diesel reserves from the Jiangyou tanks in Sichuan and the Guiyang tanks in Guizhou for delivery to the quake-hit areas.

In addition, 10,000 tons of jet kerosene from its reserve in Duyun in Guizhou province will be delivered to airports in Sichuan, the NDRC said.

Fuel demand has risen greatly in Sichuan due to intensive rescue efforts but transportation problems after the quake limited supplies.

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