'Plan of Revitalizing Northeast China' released

Updated: 2007-12-20 13:43

 Section II: Guiding Ideologies and Objectives of Revitalization

    2.1 Guiding ideologies

With Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of "Three Representatives" as the major guiding ideologies, we will step up economic and social progress by applying the scientific outlook of development and the theory of building a harmonious socialist society, thus promoting all-round revitalization in Northeast China. The guiding ideologies also involve six aspects: first, to transform development philosophies and enhance economic vitality through deepening reform and open-up; secondly, to improve independent innovation capability and promote restructuring while centering on revitalizing old industrial bases; thirdly, to solve demanding economic and social problems by accelerating economic transformation in resource-depleted cities; fourthly, to start with raising peoples' living standards and gradually establish a moderately well-off society in an all-around manner; fifthly, to promote balanced development between urban and rural areas and address regional disparity with establishing a new socialist countryside as a priority; sixthly, to enhance capability of sustainable development by boosting a recycling economy.

In line with these guiding ideologies, several major measures should be adopted to solve the pronounced contradictions and problems in the revitalization process:

First, pace of reform and open-up will be accelerated. We must deepen institutional reforms by establishing modern enterprise system and ownership structure, promoting strategic restructuring of state-owned sector, and cultivating non-public economy. We must increase development vitality by opening up more in both domestic and foreign markets.

Secondly, efforts will be enhanced in restructuring and upgrading of industries. We must enhance independent innovation capability by upgrading and optimizing industrial structure. We must also enhance overall competitiveness of industries by spreading the use of information technologies and adopting new models of industrialization.

Thirdly, regional cooperation will be intensified. Efforts should be made to establish regional coordination and interactive mechanisms, remove administrative barriers, and promote fast flow of resources and factors of production. In addition, we must also enhance regional cooperation and balanced development by co-building and co-using infrastructure facilities.

Fourthly, economic transformation in resource-depleted cities will be accelerated. Measures will be taken to establish compensation system for resources development and aiding system for sunset industries, and cultivate the growth of alternative industries. We must also boost more employment and deliver more complete urban functions, thus making resource-based cities experience sustainable development.

Fifthly, a resources-saving and environment-friendly society will be constructed. State policies of resources conservation and environment protection must be fully enforced. We must also strengthen efforts in developing recycling economy, ecological development and environmental conservation so as to achieve coordinated development of economy, society and environment.

Sixthly, education, healthcare, culture, sport and other social undertakings will be advanced. We must improve social security net, expand employment, and promote democracy and rule of law. By promoting social stability and harmony, we must also let more people share the benefits of revitalization as well as all-around individual development.

    2.2 Objectives of Revitalization

Through working arduously in the next 10 to 15 years, we are aimed at transforming Northeast China into an important growth engine featuring impressive economic strength, relatively complete institutions and systems, rational industrial structure, balanced regional growth, sound development of resource-based cities and harmonious social environment. To fully realize revitalization of this region, the area should be expanded as an internationally competitive equipment manufacturing base, a state base for new materials and energy supply, a key state base of grain commodities and agricultural and animal husbandry production, a key state base of technological development and innovation, as well as a strategic area for national ecological safety.

During the 11th Five-Year plan period, the following objectives in economic and social development must be attained in Northeast China:

First, sound and rapid economic growth will be maintained under the guidance of scientific outlook of development. By restructuring the economy, raising efficiency and reducing energy consumption, GDP per head in the region is expected to double that of the year 2002.

Secondly, substantial progress in economic restructuring will be made. Proportion of tertiary industry in regional GDP and added value of non-public sector in regional GDP must be improved by a large margin. A number of internationally competitive domestic businesses with independent intellectual property rights and well-known brands will emerge with remarkable independent innovation capabilities.

Thirdly, strong capabilities of sustainable development will be built up. Resources utilization efficiency will be considerably improved and worsening trend of ecological environment be reversed. Significant progress will be made in controlling and preventing air pollution in this region, and water pollution in areas along Liao River and Songhua River. Marine ecological environment will also be improved.

Fourthly, social development will be vigorously advanced. We will strive to deliver better public services and promote public undertakings, such as education, healthcare and social security. The number of poverty population should be further diminished, and the capability to prevent and counter disasters be strengthened. Public security and work safety should be improved. In addition, progress will be made in building a socialist new countryside, with per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of rural residents in this region growing faster than national average, and registered urban unemployment ratio being kept at below 5 percent.

Fifth, marked breakthroughs in reform and opening-up will be achieved. The system of socialist market economy should be improved with innovation in institutions and systems and SOE reforms be completed basically. Besides, an opening-up framework with coastal and border regions, and major cities in the Northeast as key sites will be formed. Foreign trade must be expanded further, with overseas investment being used better.

Column 1    Major Planning Indicators of Northeast China during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period





Annual Growth Rate (%)


Economic Growth

Per capita GDP (Yuan)





Comprehensive Grain Production Capacity

(Ten thousand tons)





Economic Structure

Ratio of Tertiary Industry to Regional GDP (%)





Ratio of Valued-added of Non-public Sector to Regional GDP (%)





Ratio of R&D Expenditures to Regional GDP (%)





Urbanization Level (%)





Resources and Environment

Reduction of Energy Consumption Per Unit of Regional GDP (%)



Reduction of Water Consumption Per Unit of Industrial Value-added (%)



Stock of

Cultivated Land

(10 thousand hectare)





Reduction of Major Pollutants (%)



Utilization Rate of Industrial Solid Waste (%)





Forest Coverage (%)





Social Development

Registered Urban Unemployment Ratio (%)





Population Covered by  Basic Pension System in Urban Areas  (%)





Coverage of New Rural Cooperative Medical System (%)



Average Schooling Years (Year)





    Note: data in parenthesis is the sum number in five years


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