Koelnmesse, Singapore agency team up for green conventions

By Li Huayu (
Updated: 2007-11-06 14:39

Koenmesse and NEA have been working together with the exhibition and conference contractors to identify the main opportunity areas for reducing resources and energy consumption needed for the forum, hoping to ultimately cut the carbon footprint of the whole event.

Three key areas have been identified. They are conference venue, exhibition installations, and collaterals/marketing materials.

As for conference venue, air-conditioning and lighting account for a significant amount of energy used during the conference. The venue operators recognize the opportunity and will reduce energy consumption by changing temperature settings and reducing lighting in areas with lower lighting needs.

As for exhibition installations, Koelnmesse will be reusing exhibition booths, backdrops and displays from a conference prior to Carbon Forum Asia. Contractors will no longer need to dismantle installations from the previous conference and set up new ones for Carbon Forum Asia.

A variety of changes will further boost energy savings. Lighting will not be required for the removal and set up of new installations; contractors need not drive to the conference venue to dismantle and set up new installations; electric equipment such as forklifts and electric drills, saws, and sanders used for booth maintenance are not needed.

Other than energy savings, significant amounts of resource materials such as timber will be saved when exhibition backdrops and displays are reused for Carbon Forum Asia.

As for collaterals, used and excess brochures and conference programs collected at Carbon Forum Asia will be recycled. Recycling bags will be given to all the Carbon Forum Asia exhibitors to collect the used collaterals. The venue operator will then make arrangements for used collaterals to be sent to recycling companies.

These efforts will be used as a trial for the Green Conventions Projects – a set up energy and resource conservation guidelines which NEA will be working with Business Travel, Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions (BTMICE) to help conventions held in Singapore contribute to environmental sustainability while also improving companies' bottom line.

"Upon the successful launch of the Green Conventions Project at Carbon Forum Asia 2007, Koelnmesse will explore ways of implementing this initiative in our other events to reduce carbon footprint in our business," said Michael Dreyer, vice president Asia Pacific, Koelnmesse.

"We will also be establishing long term partnerships with carbon offset consulting companies to offset Koelnmesse's carbon emissions related to Carbon Forum Asia, as well as all Koelnmesse events in Asia Pacific," he added.

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