Car dealers change strategies in free-trade zones

Updated: 2007-06-07 13:32

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Auto Shanghai 2007  
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Since 2005, car dealers in free-trade zones no longer enjoy the protection of "sales first, tariff next" policy, and they must compete in the auto market. Most of the free-trade zones, especially in Dalian, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have transferred to other businesses.

However, the convenience of importing autos and offering logistics services remain. The above-mentioned four free-trade zones are now working out new strategies to develop their auto industries.

Tianjin's free-trade zone plans to build an auto logistics industrial park of one square kilometer, where there will be 30 4S (sales, spare parts, service, and survey) shops and 20 have already opened. The city is also constructing an exhibition hall of 50,000 square meters, and will provide low-interest loans to cars dealers importing foreign-made cars.


The full text is available in the June Issue of AutoChina.

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