From milk bottle washer to dairy industry king

(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-05-31 06:43

Innovation is the crux of Mengniu's success. We have taken the lead among our peers in having a first-class ranch in Mengniu-Australia International Ranch in China, helping raw milk suppliers to upgrade rearing scales. Additionally, we are currently applying for a new patent every nine days, and inventing a new product every six days.

Secondly, we have set a series of targets for the 2007-2011 period, and the top priority is to enter the International Top 20 Dairy Producer list by 2011. This year, the major task is to expand in both domestic and overseas markets.

Q: What are the biggest hurdles to corporate development?

A: To remain atop the local market, we have to be very cautious.

With a population of 1.3 billion, China is yet a far-from-mature market, and the majority of the public don't yet recognize the importance of milk in daily life. Mengniu has to spend quite a lot educating consumers, tapping the huge potential of the market.

Q: What is your personal dream?

A: The corporate long-term goals represent my own dream. I hope everyone will soon be able to afford to have half a kilogram milk a day. Secondly, I expect Mengniu can grow into an internationally known dairy brand.

Q: What are your views on being a socially responsible entrepreneur?

A: Undoubtedly, a good entrepreneur should grow the business and profits, but more importantly, he should help others. This is what I have been striving for.

Q: In the past eight years, what events have given you lasting impressions?

A: Once on the way to visiting a Mengniu factory in Bameng, Inner Mongolia, I came across a watermelon vendor. He declined to charge us for the watermelon when he figured out who I was, happily telling me how life in Bameng had changed since Mengniu landed. They bred cows, earned money, and had their own apartments built up.

I was surprised at how much the business had impacted a wide range of people, especially those in rural areas.

(China Daily 05/31/2007 page15)


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