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College students desire jobs in IT
Updated: 2006-07-06 14:04

The favored work-place destinations for Chinese college graduates are companies specializing IT, Internet, electronics, finance, consulting and petrochemicals, according to a recent survey.

A total of 30,537 college students responded to the survey, conducted by, on "the best employers for Chinese college students in 2006".

The survey shows the popularity of Internet companies rising fast, with seven entering the list of "the 50 best employers for Chinese college students in 2006". Only one was on the list last year.

The survey also indicates domestic enterprises are winning college students' favour, while the popularity of foreign-funded enterprises dip.

There are 24 domestic enterprises on the 2006 list, compared with 19 last year. The number of listed foreign-funded enterprises fell from 31 to 26.

"The rising popularity of domestic enterprises shows the recruiting system, working environment, welfare, remuneration and training opportunities in such enterprises have improved," said Zhang Jianguo, Chief Executive Officer of, a leading online employment agency.

It also shows competition in foreign-funded enterprises has become too fierce, said Zhang.

Zhou Jing, a postgraduate in the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University, has accepted an offer from the head office of China Construction Bank in Beijing, one of the most influential state banks in China.

"Compared with foreign-funded enterprises, I feel to be more at home and trusted in large-scale domestic enterprises," said Zhou.

"In addition, there is less pressure in state-owned enterprises. This will allow me to better balance my career and family," she added.

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