China / Editors Pick

Buzzword: Situationship

[2017-09-19 10:49]

Heritage: Major archaeological finds recorded on heritage list

[2017-09-18 08:38]

China's major archaeological discoveries were selected from the list of significant archaeological finds announced by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) from 2011 to 2016.

Photos: Tsinghua students pool their talents for degree

[2017-09-18 08:27]

Students undergo a swimming test in Tsinghua University, Sept 17, 2017. Around 445 freshmen applied for the test held at the start of the academic year, with over 90 percent of them passing the exam.

Biz: Smart wearable devices see quarterly sales surge

[2017-09-18 06:48]

A total of 121.6 million units of smart wearable devices were sold in China in the second quarter of 2017, up by 27.5 percent year-on-year, according to a report released by IDC China on Sept 8.

Society: Hangzhou stem cell donor becomes online celebrity

[2017-09-18 08:47]

Hangzhou resident Xu Aifei, 28, became an internet celebrity after donating stem cells and writing about her experience online, while also giving other donators peace of mind, the Beijing News reported on Sunday.

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