Asia-Europe summit to see record attendance
By Li Xiaokun (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-10-15 07:32

The 7th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) next weekend in Beijing is set to host its largest gathering of Asian and European leaders since the biennial summit was established in 1996, a senior Chinese diplomat said Tuesday.

"Among the 44 foreign members of the Asia-Europe Meeting, state and government leaders of 38 countries have confirmed they'll attend the summit," Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jieyi told reporters ahead of the summit, to be held in the capital on Oct 24 and 25.

"It is the highest attendance rate of state and government leaders in the summit's history And it will be another important international gathering to be held by China this year, following the Beijing Olympics."

Asia-Europe summit to see record attendance
Liu Jieyi

President Hu Jintao will attend a number of the event's important activities, while Premier Wen Jiabao will preside over the summit and host a welcome dinner for visiting world leaders, Liu said.

He said the summit, themed Action and Vision: Towards a Win-Win Solution, will try to seek a joint plan by European and Asian countries to fight three major challenges facing the world - financial turbulence, energy and food safety.

"The financial crisis has caused concern in all countries. The leaders will use the summit as a platform to conduct in-depth discussions on extending cooperation, reinforcing investor confidence and coping with difficulties," he said.

The leaders will also exchange views on various topics, ranging from Asia-Europe trade and investment cooperation to climate change, Liu said.

"China will raise a proposal to set up a network linking Asian and European 'eco-cities', and we are expecting passionate responses," Liu said.

Leaders of the four coordinators of the summit, China, France, Brunei and the European Commission, are scheduled to hold a joint press conference after the summit.

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