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First Straits talks in 9 years start today
Updated: 2008-06-12 14:27

The chairmen of the Chinese mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits(ARATS) and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) on Thursday convened their first talks in nine years.

ARATS chairman Chen Yunlin and SEF chairman Chiang Pin-kun started their talks at around 9 a.m. in Beijing. Established in early 1990s, both the ARATS and SEF are authorized non-governmental organizations engaged in talks on issues related to exchanges across the Taiwan Straits.

Chen said that "Since March this year, positive changes have taken place in cross-Straits relations.

"As wished by people on the two sides, the talks resumed today after nearly 10 years' suspension.

"We feel the great responsibility of this glorious mission and we must spare no effort in realizing the aspirations of people on the two sides," he said.

Chen expressed his hope that the ARATS and SEF could reach consensus and sign an agreement as soon as possible during the talks.

"Many problems in economic, cultural and social fields need to be addressed after a long time was idled away," he said.

"We sincerely hope we can seize this opportunity to promptly and actively exchange views so as to outline practical plans based on the expectations and benefits of the people on the two sides," he said.

Echoing Chen, Chiang said the two organizations had established mutual trust after recent benign contacts and the two would play an important role as a bridge for cross-Straits consultation.

"These talks mark a new start in cross-Straits relations," he said. "Normalized and institutionalized exchanges of the ARATS and SEF are bound to achieve the goal of benefits for people on both sides."

In 1992, the two organizations held negotiations in Hong Kong reached the famed "1992 Consensus".

In 1993, ARATS chairman Wang Daohan and SEF chairman Koo Chen-fu held talks in Singapore in the first public meeting between high-level figures in the name of non-governmental organization leaders since 1949.

The meeting between Wang and Koo established an institutionalized negotiation mechanism and marked an important step forward in the cross-Straits relations.

Chen on Thursday also praised contributions made by two late chairmen and vowed to carry on their unfinished tasks.

"At this important historical moment, we must remember the late ARATS chairman Wang Daohan and SEF chairman Koo Chen-fu when we shake hands," he said.

"Though they have passed away, their contributions to the improvement in cross-Straits relations are engraved on our minds," he said.

During Wang-Koo meeting, four agreements were signed to promote trade and people-to-people exchanges.

After the meeting, more than 20 consultations at different levels were held. In 1998, Wang and Koo held meeting again in Shanghai.

Talks between the two sides were suspended in 1999 after Taiwan leader at the time Li Teng-hui proposed his "special state-to-state" model for cross-Straits relations.

The ARATS was established in Beijing on December 16, 1991, aimed at promoting cross-Straits exchanges, developing cross-Straits relations and realizing a peaceful reunification of China.

The SEF was established in Taipei on November 21, 1990. It was authorized by the Mainland Affairs Council under the "Executive Yuan" of Taiwan to deal with cross-Straits affairs.

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