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Beijing hosts annual CIBTM event

The annual China Incentives, Business Travel & Meetings event took place from Sept 12 to 14 in Beijing, attracting over 30 international buyers and 5,000 domestic and global participants.

Beijing's housing turnover hits 10-week low

Beijing's housing turnover last week dropped nearly 20 percent compared with the previous week mainly due to the rising prices of the properties for sale.

Int'l tea expo kicks off in Beijing

Over 300 domestic and foreign enterprises from the tea industry showed up at the Tea Expo 2012, displaying several hundred kinds of tea, tea ware, drinks, tea food, and tea crafts.

Beijing housing sales enjoy 9-percent growth

Beijing housing prices in the first half of June continued to warm up, with sales growth over the previous month and the same period of last year.

Sharp rise in outsourcing services trade

Beijing has consistently led the country in securing services outsourcing contracts over the past decade, with revenues from overseas orders surpassing $2.4 billion last year, an increase of 59.2 percent over 2010.

Prime office rent growth slows

Growth in rents for prime offices in both Beijing and Shanghai slowed down in the first quarter of 2012 after experiencing a skyrocketing increase last year, industry analysts said.

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