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Beijing Automobile to invest $2.45 billion in acquisition

China's State-owned vehicle manufacturer Beijing Automotive Group Co Ltd said on Wednesday it had agreed to buy smaller domestic firm Zhenjiang Automobile.

NBA courts Sina Corp

Chinese basketball fans will have seamless access on multiple mobile terminals to watch NBA games.

Delta CEO: Bringing Chinese travelers back home

Delta Air Lines is committed to working more closely with its Chinese partners and the Civil Aviation Administration of China to get travelers to the US using Chinese carriers, said its top executive.

Fonterra says sorry for 'anxiety'

Fonterra Cooperative Group, the New Zealand-based company at the center of a milk powder safety scare, apologized on Monday and pledged that all the contaminated material would be brought under control within 48 hours.

China Mobile launches own-brand smartphones

China Mobile Ltd officially entered the booming mobile terminal market on Friday as it unveiled its own-brand smartphone models.

Search engines Panguso, Jike 'plan to merge'

Two Chinese search engines, both backed by national media organizations, will merge in the near future, sources said.

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