Suthichai Yoon, chief adviser to the Nation Multimedia Group
A1. In the past, without the ANN, we relied on Western news agencies only. We are not saying we don't use Western agencies any more - we do. But we can use ANN sources for the main story and then use the agencies' stories for backup, because we believe readers can get a different interpretation of the story rather than just seeing an agency story that is the same around the world. If there is a fire, accident or political event in one of the Asian countries, we can have first-hand material from the best reporters among our members.
A2. When new media emerged 10 years ago, we started to discuss it and how to work together online so that all websites of ANN members could access stories provided by the other members. We also trained our reporters and editors to exchange experiences on social media. ANN members have been visiting each other to learn about their progress and possible answers to new technology and new social media developments.
A3. Other challenges will arise from the new technology. Content will become more instant. More people will use smartphones rather than read newspapers, or go to websites. The challenge is how to work together to cope with the changing behavior of news consumers. Instead of being alone, we will try to find a way together to survive the new-media tsunami.
A4. We do it all the time. When there are big news events, alerts are issued among members. The members will either send their reporters to the scene, or we can expect a member country to report and provide content. For example, during events such as the Asian Games in any of our member countries, we usually cooperate and work together. We send our reporters and cooperate with other ANN members to cover all angles in depth.
A5. In the past, without the ANN you received most views from the Western world. With the ANN, we can exchange news, analysis and background stories among members, giving us a clear perspective from each member country. For example, one of the current big issues is tension over the South China Sea issue. We get China Daily's version of the story and interviews with authorities from China. We also get the story from Vietnam and the Philippines, who have perspectives on the same issue. Thailand is not a party to this issue, but can also have its own perspective. So if you access the ANN website, we will provide all the angles and comprehensive stories on this topic. With an open and frank exchange of views, and analysis from all aspects, we get a better understanding.