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Metro Beijing

Cancer claim rapist jailed for seven years

Updated: 2010-05-07 08:00
By Zhang Yan ( China Daily)

A Fengtai man who pretended to be suffering from cancer in order to win the trust of a woman he later raped and robbed has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

Shunyi district court heard that unemployed 48-year-old Mao Feng claimed he was in the terminal stages of his disease in order to persuade his 40-year-old victim, the driver of an unlicensed taxi who lives in Shunyi, to enter his home where she was sexually assaulted and robbed.

Prosecutors told the court that Mao was walking along Bianmin Street in Shunyi district on Dec 12 in search of potential robbery targets.

Li Lixin, the judge who heard the criminal tribunal in Shunyi district court, told METRO on Thursday that Mao noticed his female victim alone in her vehicle and decided to rob her.

He got into the unlicensed taxi and asked his victim to drive to Xingfu community, where he lived, Li said.

On the way, Mao told the driver he was suffering from lung cancer and was close to death.

Li said Mao told the driver: "My wife has divorced me because of my fatal illness and we never had a child so I will live out my days alone."

The judge said Mao told his victim he wanted to move his TV table and could not lift it and asked her to help him.

As soon as the woman entered his rented room, Mao locked the door, assaulted her, tied her up and threatened her before stealing 700 yuan and raping her.

Li said the woman was left with injuries to her head and arms.

Shunyi police arrested Mao two days later.

People convicted of robbery typically face between three and 10 years in prison. Those convicted of rape are often sentenced to between three and 10 years.

"If the robbery is considered a serious crime, such as one that involves sneaking into room to rob someone or robbing a financial institutions, or if the amount of money involved is more than 10,000 yuan, people can face between 10 years and life imprisonment," Li said.

"If a rapist uses violence, targets minors or is involved in gang rape, the crime is more serious and perpetrators can be sentenced to more than 10 years and even get the death penalty."


