Scientist: Tracing virus origin may need much time, research
Tracing the origin of the novel coronavirus is a very difficult scientific matter, and it may need a long period of research to find the answer, a senior Chinese scientist said on Monday.
Some viruses that have caused epidemics among humans many years ago, such as H1N1 and HIV, have not been traced to their origins yet, said Jin Qi, director of the Pathogen Biology Institute under the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
The major purpose of tracing the origin of a virus is to formulate targeted prevention and control plans to prevent a recurrence of the outbreak among humans, he said at a news briefing organized by the State Council Information Office.
Wang Guiqiang, a professor in infectious diseases at Peking University First Hospital, said that in today's world, infectious diseases can transmit quickly across borders.
Although the COVID-19 outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, it may not necessarily have originated there, he said.
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