Can ultraviolet light kill the novel coronavirus?

According to the latest guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of the novel coronavirus released by the National Health Commission, the virus is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, so ultraviolet radiation can effectively eliminate the virus.
According to the guideline, indoor spaces should be disinfected with ultraviolet light with an intensity of over 1.5 watts per cubic meter. A UV lamp can disinfect objects within one meter for at least half an hour.
Longer exposure to radiation is needed when the temperature indoors is below 20 C or above 40 C and relative humidity is over 60 percent.
A room should be ventilated after UV disinfection, and people are suggested to enter the room half an hour later.
Although UV is effective in killing the virus indoors, UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin, as the radiation can cause skin irritation.
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