More than 100 Teen Girls Abducted in Northern Nigeria

Updated: 2014-04-16 04:31:22


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More than 100 teenage girls were abducted Monday in northeastern Nigeria by suspected Boko Haram members, local sources and police said.

The victims were taken from the Girls College in Chibok Town in the Northern Borno state, said Lawan Tanko, local police chief. He said law enforcement agents are investigating the abduction and strategies are being mapped out to rescue the teenagers, but declined to give further information.

Local residents said about 105 teenage girls were selected by gunmen, who stormed the school dormitories in a raid that lasted more than four hours. The all-female college is said to have at least 250 students.

The gunmen killed a military officer and injured some residents who tried to resist the attack, said local resident Aminu Ibrahim.

"None of the students was killed, but they were seriously manhandled as the gunmen handpicked them. We could not rescue the girls," he said.

About two months ago, more than 40 government college students were slain in Buni Yadi in neighboring Yobe State.

The three northeastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe have witnessed several attacks by Boko Haram, a major security threat in Nigeria. The states are currently under a 12-month emergency rule.