Britain Hails Irish President's Historic State Visit

Updated: 2014-04-08 01:25:17


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Britain on Monday welcomed Irish President Michael D. Higgins' upcoming state visit to Britain, describing the tour as a "historic occasion," the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) announced Monday.

The Irish head of state is set to undertake the first ever state visit to Britain from Tuesday to Friday, following the British Queen Elizabeth's ice-breaking state visit to Ireland three years ago.

"All State Visits are special but this one is particularly so. The visit aims to show the depth and breadth of the UK - Ireland relationship; the mutual respect and close friendly cooperation that characterizes our engagement; and the myriad of family ties that link people across these islands," the FCO said in a statement.

The visit allows for symbolic moments of reflection on the "lessons" of the two countries' shared history, but is largely focused on celebrating "shared culture, values and family links and looks forward to a prosperous, shared future," the statement added.

During the visit, there will be a banquet hosted by the British Queen at Windsor Castle, an address by Higgins to both Houses of the British Parliament, lunch at No. 10 Downing Street, a banquet at the Guildhall, visits to Westminster Abbey, University College Hospital, the Royal Society, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Coventry Cathedral and so on.

Britain and Ireland have been enjoying a thawing relationship after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) paramilitary movement decided in 2005 to end its armed struggle against British rule of Northern Ireland and devote efforts towards peaceful solutions.

In May 2011, the British Queen made a historic state visit to Ireland, becoming the first British monarch to visit the republic.