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WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama was set to sign Wednesday a sweeping overhaul of financial regulations, a signature achievement that comes nearly two years after Wall Street's failures knocked the economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The new bill aims to usher in a new era of consumer protections and banking restrictions, representing a major legislative victory for Obama just before election-year politics overtakes the rest of his ambitious agenda.
The White House was planning a major signing ceremony featuring a long list of supporters of the legislation, including former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and Robert Diamond, president of Barclay's PLC.
Large, failing financial institutions would be liquidated and the costs assessed on their surviving peers. Borrowers will be protected from hidden fees and abusive terms, but also will have to provide evidence that they can repay their loans. The Federal Reserve will get new powers while at the same time coming under expanded congressional oversight.
Obama is going out of his way to spotlight the legislation's creation of a consumer protection bureau, an effort to make an otherwise arcane and complex regulatory bill meaningful to the public and to fend off Republican criticism that it amounts to an expansion of government.
"These reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history," the president says in excerpts released by the White House in advance of his remarks. "And these protections will be enforced by a new consumer watchdog with just one job: looking out for people - not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses in the financial system."
Though Obama and his top officials urged Congress to pass the law while the memory of the 2008 financial meltdown was still fresh, many of the law's provisions won't take effect for at least a year as regulators scramble to write new rules and implement them.
"That will take some time, but it is worth it," Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin said Tuesday.
While the bill represents the end of a year's work by Congress and the administration, Obama has at least one contentious remnant from the bill to address. He must still nominate a director to the independent consumer protection bureau, an agency that became one of the bill's flashpoints and was attacked by Republicans as a broad expansion of government power over private business.
Among those expected at the signing ceremony is Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard law professor considered a leading candidate for the job. Warren is a consumer advocate who was among the first to propose the idea of a new agency to protect financial consumers. As head of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the government's $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, the bank rescue fund known as TARP, she has periodically clashed with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Liberals and unions have been aggressively pressing for her appointment. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO trade union federation, was among the latest to weigh in on behalf of Warren Tuesday, saying she is the only candidate "uniquely qualified and equipped to head this new agency."
But opposition in the Senate could make her confirmation difficult, a point made by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd in a radio interview on NPR Monday.
Also under serious consideration by the White House is assistant Treasury secretary Michael Barr, one of the architects of the financial regulation bill and a close ally of some White House officials. Deputy assistant attorney general Eugene Kimmelman is also in the running for the slot.