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26 die as insurgents storm Iraq's central bank

Updated: 2010-06-14 12:57
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BAGHDAD – Insurgents wearing military uniforms stormed Iraq's central bank Sunday during an apparent robbery attempt, battling security forces in a three-hour standoff after bombs exploded nearby in a coordinated daylight attack that left as many as 26 people dead.

26 die as insurgents storm Iraq's central bank

Smoke rises over central Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, June 13, 2010. [Agencies]

The assault on Iraq's top financial institution stoked fears that insurgents are taking advantage of political deadlock after inconclusive March 7 national elections to try to derail security gains as the US prepares to withdraw its forces by the end of next year.

The 325-member parliament was due to convene Monday, but analysts have said agreement on a new government could still be months away.

Iraqi military spokesman Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi blamed the attack on al-Qaida in Iraq but said no money had been stolen from the bank, which holds gold deposits as well as US and Iraqi currency.

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The violence began with the bombings, which sent plumes of smoke over the city skyline, although there were conflicting reports about the number and nature of the blasts.

The first bomb went off on the road near an electrical generator, al-Moussawi said. Insurgents wearing army uniforms then tried to enter the bank through two entrances, exchanging gunfire with the guards.

He said three suicide bombers detonated their explosives vests at the main entrance of the bank, while two other militants were killed by security forces at the second gate.

Iraqi security forces then stormed the building, prompting a standoff that lasted at least three hours, according to al-Moussawi's account.

An unknown number of attackers managed to get to a higher floor and set a fire to burn some documents and may have escaped by blending in with the bank employees, he added, saying the motive appeared to be to steal the bank's deposits, then blow up the building.

Local police officers said a bomb in a parked car also exploded about 900 yards from the bank.

Al-Moussawi said 15 people were killed, but police and hospital officials later put the casualty toll at 26 dead and more than 60 wounded.

Ghayth Abdullah, the 37-year-old owner of a nearby clothing store, said the blast sent people running from the site, including dozens of women who worked at the bank. He blamed the government for failing to protect the people.

"I was not thinking about my property or livelihood," he said. "My worry was what would happen to my family if I were killed by the blast or random shots from the crossfire."

Violent robberies that bear some of the hallmarks of politically motivated attacks have been on the rise in Iraq, as sectarian violence ebbs. Iraqi officials have attributed at least some of them to cash-strapped militants desperately trying to raise money for their operations.

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