
ROK's Lee says no possibility of war in Korea

Updated: 2010-06-05 12:07
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Republic of Korean (ROK) President Lee Myung-bak on Saturday dismissed the likelihood of a war breaking out on the Korean peninsula, while pledging to clamp down on any action deemed threatening.

"There is no possibility of a war. There has been occasionally and locally peace-threatening behaviour (from the North) but we will strongly suppress it," Lee's spokesman, contacted by telephone, quoted him as saying at a meeting with businessmen in Singapore.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of a security conference in the city state.

Tensions on the divided Korean peninsula have mounted since Lee blamed Pyongyang for torpedoing a navy vessel of the ROK in March which killed 46 sailors.

Pyongyang denies responsibility and said this week war could break out at any moment.

On Friday, ROK took its dispute with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the UN Security Council, saying Pyongyang must acknowledge that it sank the warship and that its "reprehensible" action was endangering peace.