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US says Kyrgyzstan to stick to agreement on Manas airport

Updated: 2010-04-11 11:33
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WASHINGTON -- Kyrgyz interim leader Roza Otunbayeva confirmed that her administration will abide by previous agreements with US on the Manas airport, the US State Department said on Saturday.

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"The Secretary spoke about regional security and the important role Kyrgyzstan plays in hosting the Transit Center at the Manas Airport," the department said in a statement.

"Ms. Otunbayeva confirmed the Kyrgyz administration will abide by previous agreements regarding the Center. The Secretary is dispatching Assistant Secretary Robert Blake out to Kyrgyzstan to follow up on her discussion," said the statement.

The conversation is made during a phone call on Saturday between State Secretary Hillary Clinton and Kyrgyz interim leader Roza Otunbayeva.

Clinton supported the efforts of the Kyrgyz administration to resolve peacefully the country's current political problems, according to the statement.

Kyrgyz opposition parties on Thursday claimed to form an interim coalition government, while President Kurmanbek Bakiyev refused to step down after clashes that left at least 75 people dead and another 1,000 injured.

The transit center at the Manas airport in Kyrgyzstan,  which is under a lease to the United States, plays an important role for the logistic support to the War in Afghanistan.