WORLD> Middle East
Iran denies nuke ambition revealed following UN tour
Updated: 2009-11-17 21:38

TEHRAN, Iran: Iran's nuclear envoy denies that the UN inspectors tour of its recently revealed uranium enrichment site has turned up any evidence that the Islamic republic is seeking nuclear weapons.

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The International Atomic Energy Agency report offered no estimate of the facility's capacity, but analysts say it appeared to be capable of producing enough material for a warhead but too little for a civilian reactor.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, however, said Tuesday that the IAEA's report proved the country's program was peaceful and that Iran was cooperating with the agency's inspectors.

The revelation of the existence of the plant known as Fordo, near Qom, has heightened concerns of other possible undeclared facilities not subject to IAEA oversight and could be used for military purposes.