WORLD> Asia-Pacific
DPRK Kim Jong-il meets Hu's special envoy
Updated: 2009-09-18 13:50

PYONGYANG: Kim Jong Il, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) met and held talks here Friday with Chinese President Hu Jintao's special envoy Dai Bingguo on bilateral ties and other issues of common concern.

DPRK Kim Jong-il meets Hu's special envoy

Kim Jong Il(front L4), top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao's special envoy Dai Bingguo (front L3) in Pyongyang, Sept.17, 2009. [Xinhua] 

In a letter delivered by Dai to Kim, President Hu said that the Chinese party and government have attached great importance to the relationship between China and the DPRK.

"We always consider the China-DPRK's friendship the treasure of the two parties, two countries and the two peoples," Hu said.

In the spirit of carrying forward the tradition, facing to the future, developing the good-neighborly relations and strengthening cooperation, China is ready to consolidate and develop the relationship between the two countries, he added.

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It is China's consistent goal to realize denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and safeguard and promote peace, stability and development of Northeast Asia, said the Chinese president, adding that China is ready to spare no effort to work with the DPRK to realize such goals.

Kim thanked Hu for sending the envoy to bring him the letter and asked Dai to convey his greetings and best wishes to Hu.

The DPRK people are proud of China's great success in the past 60 years and wish the Chinese people greater achievements in pursuing the scientific development and building a harmonious society under the leadership of the Communist Party, Kim said.

The DPRK will continue to supports China in its efforts to safeguard state sovereignty and security, he added.

The friendship, initiated and fostered by the older generation of leaders of the two countries, is indissoluble, Kim said.

The bilateral ties have withstood all tests and have all along been developing on the right course, he said.

Kim reiterated that it is the unshakable stand of the Worker's Party of Korea and the DPRK government to consolidate and further promote the traditional DPRK-China friendship.

He hoped to strengthen high-level contacts and cooperation in every field and further develop friendly relations with China.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries and has been named the Year of China-DPRK Friendship.

On the DPRK's stand on the Korean Peninsula situation and the Korean nuclear issues, Kim said the DPRK insists on denuclearization and tries to maintain peace and stability on the peninsula.

The DRPK is willing to solve problems through bilateral or multilateral talks, he added.

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