WORLD> Asia-Pacific
ASEAN to strengthen ties with China and rest of Asia
Updated: 2009-03-02 09:20

HUA HIN - Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), said here Sunday that ASEAN looks forward to strengthening cooperation with China and the rest of Asia on regional and international issues, especially in the face of the financial crisis.

Ministers of ASEAN member states sign an energy security agreement that will ensure their members "the physical availability of oil and oil products through the establishment of stockpiles on voluntary and commercial basis", during the 14th Summit of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in Hua Hin, Thailand, March 1, 2009. [Xinhua]

"Under the current situation of economic crisis, we should work together to overcome the difficulties," Surin said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.

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 ASEAN says coordinating on financial crisis
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He said that China is now facing its own problems with tremendous challenges, but it didn't retreat to its own business and was willing to cooperate with the rest of Asia and the international community.

"I think the leadership in China is very enlightened and very much committed not to retreating into its own issues. On the contrary, it is keeping the linkages open, keeping the doors open, keeping the opportunities and cooperation channels open," said Surin.

He said the stimulus package adopted by China not only focused on short-term strategies, but also paid attention to the long-term sustainable development.

He noted that China has contributed a lot to the regional integration such as in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries and also cooperation with ASEAN.

"China is very enlightened and effective in its engagement with the rest of Asia, particularly with ASEAN," he said.

Surin said that China, Japan and South Korea met for the first time among themselves in Japan three months ago, which was a very positive move.

"Because the message they sent is very clear, which is that they are not going to separate themselves from us, but in fact looking for ways to improve cooperation with us in ASEAN," said Surin.

Commenting on the 14th ASEAN Summit which closed here Sunday, Surin said that he is very much satisfied with the results of the meeting.

"I'm very much satisfied with the results, the summit was going on very smoothly, even though it had been delayed from December to now," said Surin.

Surin spoke highly of the outcome of the summit, especially the fulfillment of the endorsement of three pillars of the ASEAN Community, namely, ASEAN Economic Community, Political-Security Community and the Socio-Cultural Community.

On the signing of the Declaration on the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community (2009-2015), Surin said the there are still a lot of work to be done.

In time of economic crisis, a lot of hope has been put on the ASEAN and ASEAN has to live up with the expectation and to send strong signal of confidence to the world, said Surin.

"ASEAN leaders have agreed to come back with our dialogue partners, including China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand to Thailand this April. They have realized that the two regions, East Asia as a whole and ASEAN, are very much integrated, that we have to work together."

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