WORLD> America
Obama: US combat in Iraq to end by Aug 31, 2010
Updated: 2009-02-28 09:45

Despite the extra months he's taking to achieve a withdrawal at the advice of military commanders, it is a hastier exit than envisaged under his predecessor, George W. Bush, whom Obama called Friday before giving his speech.

"America can no longer afford to see Iraq in isolation from other priorities," Obama told the crowd. "We face the challenge of refocusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan; of relieving the burden on our military; and of rebuilding our struggling economy and these are challenges that we will meet."

Related readings:
 US combat troops to leave Iraq next Aug
 US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,226
 Some US forces will face combat after Iraq pullout
 US troops to 'leave Iraq in 18 months'

He applauded the armed forces for successes in Iraq, where US deaths and violence in many parts of the country are significantly down.

Yet he acknowledged violence will remain "a part of life" and daunting problems include political instability, displaced citizens, lack of support for Iraq's government in the neighborhoods and the stress of declining oil revenues.

But, the president said the US cannot continue to try to solve all Iraq's problems.

"We cannot rid Iraq of all who oppose America or sympathize with our adversaries," he said. "We cannot police Iraq's streets until they are completely safe, nor stay until Iraq's union is perfected. We cannot sustain indefinitely a commitment that has put a strain on our military, and will cost the American people nearly a trillion dollars."

Sen. John McCain, Obama's Republican presidential rival, endorsed Obama's plan in a striking closing of ranks between opponents who argued forcefully over Iraq's course in the campaign.

Some of Obama's fellow Democrats seemed cooler in response. Not all were pleased with leaving the bulk of troops in place this year.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on Friday called Obama's plan "sound and measured" but suggested it wasn't a done deal.

"I look forward to further discussing this plan with the president," he said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the announcement good news because it means an end to the war. At the same time, she said the troops left behind must have "clearly defined" missions "so that the number of troops needed to perform them is as small as possible."

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers that ground commanders in Iraq believe the plan poses only a moderate risk to security, said McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio also approved. "I believe he has outlined a responsible approach that retains maximum flexibility to reconsider troop levels and to respond to changes in the security environment should circumstances on the ground warrant," he said.

Obama responded to his congressional critics in an interview to be broadcast Friday on PBS' "The Newshour," saying that maybe they weren't paying attention to his comments during two years of campaigning for the presidency.

"Everything that I said I would do during the campaign I am now doing," Obama said. "Obviously because of consultation with commanders on the ground, something I also said we would do, there are some modifications to the plan. But this is basically the thrust that I have been talking about for several years and I think it is a responsible solution."

Officials said Thursday that the timetable Obama ultimately selected was the recommendation of all the principal advisers. It was chosen as the one that would best manage security risks without jeopardizing the gains of recent months.

With 142,000 US troops in Iraq, Obama plans to withdraw most of them — 92,000 to 107,000, based on administration projections.

Administration officials said Obama would not set a more specific schedule, such as how many troops will exit per month, because he wants to give his commanders in Iraq flexibility.

He said during the campaign he would withdraw two brigades a month. At the height of his Democratic primary contest with Hillary Rodham Clinton, he said he would remove troops by the end of this year, before reverting to a 16-month pledge.

Obama wants to keep a strong security presence in Iraq through a series of elections in 2009, capped by national elections tentatively set for December. That important, final election date could slip into 2010, which is perhaps why Obama's timetable for withdrawing combat troops has slipped by a few months, too.

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