WASHINGTON - Two top Republicans cast aside
President Bush's pleas for patience on Iraq Friday and proposed legislation
demanding a new strategy by mid-October to restrict the mission of US troops.
The proposal, by veteran GOP Sens. John Warner of Virginia and Richard
Lugar of Indiana, came as the Pentagon conceded a decreasing number of Iraqi
battalions are able to operate on their own.
"American military and diplomatic strategy in Iraq must adjust to the reality
that sectarian factionalism is not likely to abate anytime soon and probably
cannot be controlled from the top," the Warner-Lugar proposal states.
 Sen. John Warner,
R-Va., meets reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington
in this Nov. 8, 2006 file photo. Warner
and Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., cast aside President Bush's pleas for patience on
Iraq Friday, July 13, 2007 and proposed legislation demanding a new
strategy by mid-October to restrict the mission of U.S. troops.
Democrats and the White House were dismissive of the proposal. However, it
could attract significant support from GOP colleagues who are frustrated by Iraq
but reluctant to break ranks with their party or force the hand of a wartime
The two senators are considered the GOP's foremost national security experts.
Warner was the longtime chairman of the Armed Services Committee until stepping
down last year, while Lugar is the top Republican on the Foreign Relations
The legislation also draws heavily from existing GOP-backed proposals,
increasing the chances of attracting support.
It would require Bush to submit by Oct. 16 a plan to "transition US combat
forces from policing the civil strife or sectarian violence in Iraq" to a narrow
set of missions: protecting Iraqi borders, targeting terrorists, protecting US
assets and training Iraqi forces.
The bill suggests the plan be ready for implementation by next year.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid balked at the proposal because it would not
require Bush to implement the strategy. He said he prefers legislation the
Senate will vote on next week that would order combat troops to be out of Iraq
by next spring.
Warner and Lugar "put a lot of faith in the president -- that he will
voluntarily change course and voluntarily begin to reduce the large US combat
footprint in Iraq," said Reid spokesman Jim Manley in a statement.
Earlier on Friday, Reid dismissed as too soft a separate proposal supported
by several Republicans and Democrats that would require Bush to adopt the
recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, intended to pave the way for
a 2008 withdrawal.
"If you give this president a choice, he will stay hunkered down in Iraq for
years to come," Reid, D-Nev., said.
Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said the White House would review the Warner-Lugar
measure. "But we believe the new way forward strategy -- which became fully
operational less than a month ago -- deserves the time to succeed," he
In addition to requiring a new military strategy, the legislation calls on
Bush to seek renewed authorization for the war, which Congress gave him in 2002.
Many members contend that the authorization -- which led to the US invasion
of Iraq in 2003 -- was limited to approval of deposing Saddam Hussein and
searching for weapons of mass destruction.
Through top aides and in private meetings and phone calls, Bush has
repeatedly asked Congress to hold off on demanding a change in the course of the
war until September, when the top US commander, Gen. David Petraeus, and US
Ambassador Ryan Crocker, deliver a fresh assessment of progress.
But many Republicans, most of whom will face voters next year, say they are
tired of the war, which is in its fifth year and has killed more than 3,600
In a report to Congress this week, the White House conceded that not enough
progress was being made in training Iraqi security forces -- the linchpin
in Bush's exit strategy for US troops.
At a news conference Friday, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen.
Peter Pace, said the number of battle-ready Iraqi battalions able to fight
independently has dropped from 10 to six in recent months despite an increase in
US training efforts.
Pace said the readiness of the Iraqi fighting units was not an issue to be
"overly concerned" about because the problem was partly attributable to losses
in the field.
"As units operate in the field, they have casualties, they consume vehicles
and equipment," Pace said.
In another development Friday, Bush's top spokesman appeared resigned to the
fact that the Iraqi parliament is going to take August off, even though it has
just eight weeks to show progress on military, political and other benchmarks
designated by the United States.
However, Tony Snow said, "Let's also see what happens because quite often
when parliaments do not meet, they are also continuing meetings on the side. And
there will be progress, I'm sure on a number of fronts."
The Warner-Lugar proposal is the first major legislative challenge to Bush's
Iraq policy endorsed by the two senators. Lugar and Warner have previously
expressed grave doubts about Bush's decision to send 30,000 extra troops to
Iraq. But both remain reluctant to back binding legislation that would manage
"I have great respect for the constitutional separation of powers between the
executive and legislative branches and the authorities granted to each in that
document," Warner said in a statement Friday.