WASHINGTON - The research is persuasive: When drugs don't completely control
epilepsy, surgery often can - and the sooner it's tried, the better.
 Neurosurgeon Dr. P. David Adelson, right, and Dr. Brian
Jankowitz, senior neurosurgical resident at the Children's Hospital of
Pittsburgh, operate on 2-year-old Alex Seman Tuesday, May 1, 2007.
Yet while children are going under
the knife at younger ages, epilepsy specialists are struggling to get that
message to tens of thousands of adult patients.
"Surgery used to be thought of as a last resort. Now we don't think that
anymore," says Dr. Deborah Holder, a neurologist at Children's Hospital of
"In my perfect world, we'd take care of everybody when they're young."
Almost 3 million Americans have epilepsy, periodic electrical storms inside
the brain. When circuits misfire fast enough, a seizure results. Many are born
with it, but epilepsy can develop at any age, particularly after injury to brain
cells such as head trauma, meningitis or a mini-stroke.
Up to 30 percent of patients have intractable epilepsy: Medicines don't
prevent all their seizures, or they cause intolerable side effects. Many are
candidates for surgery, cutting out the abnormal brain tissue that sparks
seizures. At leading centers, up to 80 percent of surgery recipients become
seizure-free, with few complications.
And improved technology is allowing surgeons to better pinpoint the bad spot
and remove less brain tissue - half as much as the most common epilepsy surgery
removed just a few years ago, says Dr. P. David Adelson, a neurosurgeon at the
Pittsburgh children's hospital.
Between 3,000 and 5,000 of the operations are performed annually, up from
1,500 in the early 1990s, estimates Dr. Robert Gumnit of the University of
Minnesota, who heads the National Association of Epilepsy Centers.
However, 100,000 to 150,000 epilepsy sufferers are considered surgery
candidates. Most have two to five seizures a year despite medication, and have
been told to live with it - instead of being sent to an epilepsy center that
specializes in complicated cases, says a frustrated Gumnit.
That may not sound like many seizures, but it means the people can't drive or
perform certain jobs.
"It's not the burning issue it ought to be," adds Dr. Jerome Engel of the
University of California, Los Angeles.
There is a major push to get youngsters, especially those with severe
epilepsy, to the operating room sooner.
Why? If two medications fail to control epilepsy - at any age - there's only
a slight chance a third will help, recent research shows. Worse, years of
seizures can harm a child's development, sometimes permanently.
A Cleveland Clinic study in the journal Pediatrics this month is among the
first to examine surgery on children younger than 3, and found that even among
patients that young, earlier surgery predicted a better chance of normal
Consider 2 1/2-year-old Alex Seman of Wampum, Pa. He has a condition called
tuberous sclerosis that triggers epilepsy through abnormal brain growths.
Despite four medicines, his arms and legs would flail with seizures several
times a day. Brain monitoring uncovered several dozen mini-seizures daily, too,
presumably the reason his language skills were about a year delayed.
"It's like listening to your cell phone with static coming through," says
Pittsburgh's Adelson, who operated on Alex earlier this month. "The goal was to
cure it before he even knew he had it."
Preparation was the hardest part, says Alex's father, Mike Seman. Doctors
performed a sort of pre-brain surgery, implanting electrodes directly onto the
surface of Alex's brain. For a week, he was monitored by video as those
electrodes mapped the source of his seizures - and his parents went through lots
of bubbles and Barney videos keeping him quiet.
Weeks after doctors removed a chunk of his brain, Alex is seizure-free so
far, and his parents say his perky personality has reappeared.
Not everyone is eligible for surgery. Seizures may originate in a spot that
can't be removed safely. Their options:
Major studies are beginning to see if implanting an electrode that emits a
low-level electrical current could zap the bad brain tissue and stop seizures as
they form. Called deep-brain stimulation, it's already used to control tremors
in Parkinson's disease.
Doctors also sometimes implant a "vagus nerve stimulator," which delivers
tiny shocks to a nerve in the neck that in turn signals the brain. It doesn't
cure epilepsy like surgery can, but can reduce some patients' seizures.
Also under study is beaming the seizure spot with radiation, using a
technique called the Gamma Knife.
Janet Rickey of Arlington, Va., chose standard surgery even though doctors
warned the problem spot was right next to the brain region that controls
movement of her left side. But at age 47, seizures that began at 7 were steadily
worsening, and drug after drug failed. When testing recorded 120 full-blown or
mini-seizures in a week, surgeons at Georgetown University Hospital agreed to
Rickey did wake up with partial paralysis; it took a month to move her left
leg. Three months later, she still walks with a cane, but is gleeful that her
seizures have plummeted.
"Every day I could count on having a seizure, and now I
can count on them stopping," she says.