WASHINGTON - The Pentagon on Tuesday alerted more than 35,000 Army soldiers
that they could be sent to Iraq this fall. In Congress, House Democrats
defiantly pushed a plan to limit war funding to two-month installments.
 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates left is briefed by Lt. Col.
William Boyett as he prepares to observe soldiers of the 3rd Brigade
Combat Team 101st Airborne, Golf Company as they train at the Joint
Readiness Training Center in Fort Polk, La. Friday, May 4, 2007.
The deployment orders signed by Defense
Secretary Robert Gates would allow commanders to maintain the buildup of troops
through the end of the year if needed. President Bush has ordered nearly 30,000
additional troops to Iraq to quell a spike in violence, particularly in and
around Baghdad. There are currently about 146,000 US troops in Iraq.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the orders do not mean the military has
decided to maintain the increased force levels through December. The Pentagon
"has been very clear that a decision about the duration of the surge will depend
on conditions on the ground," he said.
The announcement comes as Bush is under increasing pressure to pull troops
out of Iraq. Bush last week vetoed $124.2 billion legislation that would have
funded the war while requiring troops to start coming home this fall. According
to a CNN-Opinion Research Corp. poll released Tuesday, just over half of
Americans disapproved of the veto.
House Democratic leaders briefed party members Tuesday on new legislation
that would fund the Iraq war through July, then give Congress the option of
cutting off money after that if conditions do not improve. Bush requested more
than $90 billion to fund the war through September.
The proposal is aimed at appeasing Democratic lawmakers who want to end the
war immediately and are urging leaders not to back down after Bush's veto last
week. But lacking a firm endorsement by the Senate, the challenge by House
Democrats seemed more for political show than a preview of another veto showdown
with Bush.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nev., told reporters before meeting
with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that "nothing's been ruled out and nothing's
been ruled in" as he would continue to try to work with the White House.
House Democratic leaders struck a more defiant tone.
"I didn't commit to any compromise" with the White House, said Pelosi,
Asked whether Democrats were still talking with the White House, Rep. Rahm
Emanuel , D-Ill., said, "They know what we're doing obviously. I don't think
their subscriptions to the newspapers ended at any time recently."
Democratic leadership aides said Reid and Pelosi acknowledged in their
meeting Tuesday that the House plan would be considerably more difficult to pass
in the Senate, where 60 votes are often required and that the two chambers may
have to pursue different tracks.
Earlier in the day, Bush met with more than a dozen Democrats, most of whom
with fairly conservative voting records.
"They (the White House) seemed to be concerned about their relationship with
a number of us, and I think they should be," said Rep. Bud Cramer, D-Ala., one
of the members who attended. "It's perplexing why we couldn't have had a couple
of these meetings earlier."
The House bill would provide $30 billion to pay for military operations
through July as well as some $10 billion for other high-priority projects,
including training security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, military base
closings, defense health, pandemic flu protection and hurricane relief efforts.
Under the proposal, Bush would have to update Congress by July 13 on whether
the Iraqi government was meeting certain political and security reforms.
Congress would decide 10 days later whether to end the war and bring troops home
or provide funding through September.
The House would vote separately this month on a bill providing about $3.5
billion in agricultural assistance and about $1 billion for rural schools,
wildfire relief and aid to salmon farmers.
"We're trying to prepare a second option so that if the administration wants
to continue to just hold its breath and turn blue until they get their money,
we're going to have another alternative," said Rep. David Obey , D-Wis., who
planned to brief White House chief of staff Josh Bolten on Tuesday.
White House spokesman Tony Snow called the approach "just bad management."
"We think it is appropriate to be able to give commanders what they are going
to need, and also forces in the field, so that you can make long-term decisions
in trying to build the mission," Snow said.
Congressional Republicans also dismissed the Democratic proposal as unfairly
rationing funds needed in combat and said their members would not support it.
Democrats "should not treat our men and women in uniform like they are
children who are getting a monthly allowance," said Rep. John Boehner , R-Ohio,
his party's leader.
Gates and his military leaders have said that commanders in Iraq will make
recommendations in September on whether the buildup has been successful and
whether it should continue or if troops can begin coming home.
Snow and other administration officials have tried to tamp down expectations
of the September review, although several senior Republicans say it will prove
critical to whether the GOP continues to support the war.
Sen. Olympia Snowe , R-Maine, introduced legislation Tuesday that would
require the Iraqi government to meet certain benchmarks within four months. If
Baghdad fails, military commanders would begin planning to bring some troops
home and refocusing remaining forces on noncombat missions, such as training the
Iraqi security forces. Snowe's bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Evan Bayh , D-Ind.,
sets a nonbinding goal of ending combat six months later.