WASHINGTON - President Bush remains opposed to easing restrictions on
embryonic stem cell research, vowing to veto a measure the Senate hopes will
lead to new medical treatments.
 The US Senate adopted a bill to fund controversial embryonic
stem-cell research, braving a new battle with President George W. Bush,
seen here 10 April 2007, who has already vetoed such legislation.
"This bill crosses a moral line
that I and many others find troubling," Bush said in a statement Wednesday after
the Senate voted 63-34 to pass the measure. "If it advances all the way through
Congress to my desk, I will veto it."
The Senate bill, which is much like the one Bush killed last year with the
only veto of his presidency thus far, would provide federal funding for the
While freeing the research of many restrictions, the bill fell short of a
veto-proof margin needed to enact the law over Bush's objections. The House is
expected to approve a similar measure in the weeks ahead.
"Unleash America's scientists," urged Sen. Tom Harkin , D-Iowa. Added Sen.
Claire McCaskill , D-Mo.: "Not every day do we have the opportunity to vote to
heal the sick."
Bush and others see the research as destroying life because it involves the
destruction of embryos. Many favor the alternative of research into adult stem
cells, though many scientists say they lack the promise of embryonic stem