WASHINGTON - Spot a bear in the woods, and a different part of your brain
will yell "pay attention" than if you were studying bears at the zoo. New
research shows it takes one part of the brain to start concentrating and another
to be distracted. This discovery could help scientists develop better treatments
for attention deficit disorder.
 New research shows it takes one part of the brain to start
concentrating and another to be distracted. This discovery could help
scientists develop better treatments for attention deficit disorder.
"This ability to willfully focus your
attention is physically separate in the brain from distracting things grabbing
your attention," said Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He led the study, published in Friday's edition of the
journal Science.
"Now we know these two things are separate, it raises the possibility that we
can fix them independently," Miller said.
There are two main ways the brain pays attention: "top down" or willful,
goal-oriented attention, such as when you focus to read, and "bottom-up" or
reflexive attention to sensory information - loud noises or bright colors or
threatening animals.
Likewise, there are different degrees of attention disorders. Some people
have a harder time focusing, while others have a harder time filtering out
Scientists knew that paying attention involved multiple brain regions but
they did not know how, because studies until now have examined one region at a
Miller hooked painless electrodes onto monkeys to track how two key areas
react together when the brain jumps to attention.
The monkeys were trained to take attention tests on a video screen in return
for a treat of apple juice. Sometimes they had to concentrate, picking out, say,
only the left-leaning red rectangle from a field of red rectangles; in the same
way, the human brain picks a friend's face out of a crowd. Other times bright
rectangles - the attention-grabbers - flashed off the screen at the monkeys.
When the monkeys voluntarily concentrated, the so-called executive center in
the front of the brain - the prefrontal cortex - was in charge. But when
something distracting grabbed the monkeys' attention, that signal originated in
the parietal cortex, toward the back of the brain.
The electrical activity in these two areas began vibrating in synchrony as
they signaled each other. But it was at different frequencies, almost like being
at different spots on the radio dial.
Sustaining concentration involved lower-frequency neuron activity.
Distraction occurred at higher frequencies. So, Miller concluded, scientists one
day might find a treatment that essentially turns up or down the volume to boost
The study provides the first good look at how these physically distinct brain
regions interact to govern at least part of attention, said Dr. Debra Babcock, a
neurologist at the National Institutes of Health.
"Once we understand how attention works, we'll understand how better to treat
disorders of attention, and lord knows there are plenty of those," Babcock said.
"This could, in the long term, help us devise therapies."
It makes evolutionary sense that these two types of attention would originate
in different areas. Reflexive attention is a more primitive survival tool, while
concentration is more advanced.
"If something leaps out of the bush at me, that's going to be really
important and I have to react to it right away. Your brain is equipped to notice
things salient in the environment," Miller said. "It takes a truly intelligent
creature to know what's important and focus."
The government-funded work raises some logical next questions. For example,
once the parietal lobe recognizes an attention-grabber, how does it evaluate
what's important enough to focus on - and thus signal other brain regions to
join in - and what was just a distraction that can be ignored?
It is the snap judgment that determines if a loud beeping is a fire alarm you
should heed or just another car alarm down the street - or if that bear down the
trail is going to be a threat or is already ambling away.
"It's how your brain decides when it can just do a quick
... analysis and decides when it really needs to focus down," Babcock said. "We
have a lot more to learn."