CHICAGO - Childhood obesity in the United States appears to be causing girls
to reach puberty at an earlier age, for reasons that are not clear, a study said
on Monday.
 An overweight pedestrian sits on a wall in a file photo.
Childhood obesity in the United States appears to be causing girls to
reach puberty at an earlier age, for reasons that are not clear, a study
said on Monday. [Reuters]

The report from the University
of Michigan's Mott Children's Hospital said a multiyear study following a group
of 354 girls found that those who were fatter at age 3 and who gained weight
during the next three years reached puberty, as defined by breast development,
by age 9.
"Our finding that increased body fatness is associated with the earlier onset
of puberty provides additional evidence that growing rates of obesity among
children in this country may be contributing to the trend of early maturation in
girls," said Dr. Joyce Lee, the lead author.
"Previous studies had found that girls who have earlier puberty tend to have
higher body mass index, but it was unclear whether puberty led to the weight
gain or weight gain led to the earlier onset of puberty," she added.
"Our study offers evidence that it is the latter," Lee said.
Earlier studies have found that US girls are reaching puberty earlier than
was the case 30 years ago, a time span during which rates of childhood obesity
also increased, the study said.
In the study girls were classified as at risk for being overweight if their
body mass index (a measurement of weight related to age and height) was between
the 85th and 95th percentiles, and defined as overweight if the measurement was
greater than the 95th percentile.
The researchers said that 168 of the girls were classified as being "in
puberty" by the age of 9 and nearly two dozen reported having their first
menstrual period by two years later.
Higher body mass index scores at all ages had a "strong association with
earlier onset of puberty, the authors said.
The study was published in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of
"Earlier onset of puberty in girls has been associated with a number of
adverse outcomes, including psychiatric disorders and deficits in psychosocial
functioning, earlier initiation of alcohol use, sexual intercourse and teenage
pregnancy and increased rates of adult obesity and reproductive cancers," the
study said.