Pelosi: Bush lacks power to invade Iran

Updated: 2007-02-16 08:52

Rep. John Murtha , D-Pa., who is leading the effort, has said the measure may be changed to require that any troops deployed must meet formal Army readiness standards.

Murtha also said the measure may be changed to prohibit any military action against Iran without specific congressional approval.

Asked about Murtha's remarks, Pelosi said, "I fully support that." She added that she would propose it as stand-alone legislation if it is not included in the bill that provides more money for the Iraq war.

Bush has said he intends to go ahead with the troop buildup regardless of nonbinding expressions of disapproval in Congress.

But, Pelosi said, "I don't think that the president can completely ignore it."

She spoke down the hall from the House chamber, where Republicans and Democrats alternated turns at the microphone in a debate on the war.

"The enemy wants our men and women in uniform to think their Congress doesn't care about them," said Rep. Sam Johnson , R-Texas, who was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. "We must learn from our mistakes. We cannot leave a job undone like we left in Korea, like we left in Vietnam, like we left in Somalia," Johnson said.

Added Rep. Geoff Davis , R-Ky., a West Point graduate who was a flight commander with the Army's 82nd Airborne: "This nonbinding resolution serves no purpose other than pacifying the Democrats' political base and lowering morale in our military."

When his turn came to speak, Rep. Lloyd Doggett , D-Texas., said, "There is a better way of protecting our troops than sending more of them to be killed."

Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, a member of the Democratic leadership, said the victory to be won in Iraq "is not a military conquest."

"The victory we seek is earned through the restoration of America's role as peacemaker, not warmonger," he said.


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