WASHINGTON - First lady Laura Bush says she first thought a sore on her right
shin that turned out to be skin cancer was an insect bite.
 President Bush, right, accompanied by first lady Laura Bush,
gestures as he addresses the media about his visit with troops wounded in
Iraq and Afghanistan, Friday, Dec. 22, 2006 at Walter Reed Army Medical
Center in Washington. [AP]
"Actually it never occurred to me
to make it public," she told Bob Shieffer on CBS "Face the Nation" aired Sunday.
"It was very minor. I thought it was an insect bite, actually, when I first got
it, and then it just didn't get well."
The first lady said she had a biopsy done before the November election. The
squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor and the second most common form of
skin cancer.
Mrs. Bush said she had it removed right after the election, adding: "I was
never sick. I never felt badly."
She said she is glad the information about the tumor got out, and hopes it
will prompt people to pay closer attention to possible signs of cancer. She
blamed the cancer on the hot west Texas sun and her fair complexion.
"I never did a lot of sun bathing like some my friends did, because I didn't
tan, really," she said. "But of course I played outside for my whole childhood
(and) spent afternoons at the swimming pool and did those things that we all did
growing up in Texas, and so I was out in the sun a lot."
White House officials were questioned about why the cancer was not disclosed
publicly until more than a month after its removal. Mrs. Bush's secretary Susan
Whitson said the procedure was a "private matter" but when asked by the media,
"we answered the question."
The first lady was noted wearing a bandage on her right leg before the
election. At the time Whitson said Mrs. Bush had a sore on her shin. In late
October, Mrs. Bush had a biopsy because the sore was not healing, Whitson said,
and it was determined to be a squamous cell carcinoma.
The cancer affects the middle portion of the epidermal
skin layer. It is more aggressive than basal cell cancer, the most common form
of skin cancer.