AMMAN, Jordan - Saddam Hussein wrote the chief judge in his Kurdish genocide
trial to tell him that he no longer wants to attend the hearings - whatever
the consequences, according to a letter released Tuesday by former Iraqi
leader's lawyers.
 Saddam Hussein, in court Monday Dec.
4, 2006 during his trial with other defendants in Baghdad, Iraq, for
genocide in the 'Anfal' offensive against the Kurds. Saddam and six
co-defendants, face possible execution if convicted for the 1987-88
military offensive against the Kurds of northern Iraq. The prosecution
estimates that 180,000 Kurds were killed in the campaign, code-named
Operation Anfal, in which Saddam's army allegedly destroyed hundreds of
villages and killed or scattered their inhabitants. [AP]

In a handwritten Arabic
statement made available to The Associated Press, Saddam cited what he claimed
were repeated "insults" by chief judge Mohammed Oreibi al-Khalifa and
prosecutors trying him for his role in the 1987-88 military campaign, code-named
Operation Anfal.
"I wasn't given the chance to speak when I tried to clarify the truth,"
Saddam wrote in the one-page letter dated Monday. He said he wanted to respond
to the prosecution's allegation that he had stashed away $10 billion.
In Monday's hearing, an unnamed prosecutor asked al-Oreibi to freeze the $10
billion, saying it belonged to the former regime and had been deposited in
foreign bank accounts. "We ask the court to put its hand on the money to secure
the rights of the victims," the prosecutor said.
The judge did not respond and the hearing adjourned until Wednesday to hear
more evidence.
The authenticity of Saddam's letter, sent out by his lawyers, could not
immediately be verified. But it used language similar to what Saddam had often
used in other statements, as well as in his courtroom speeches.
That included his use of the title: "President of the republic and the
commander in chief of the Mujahedeen (holy warriors) armed forces" - the
phrase he used to end Tuesday's letter.
Elsewhere in the letter, he wrote: "I feel disgusted. ... I will not accept
being offended continuously by you and others."
He goes on to say: "Saddam, who taught pride and dignity to many people,
refuses to attend (the trial) and be subjected to insult by agents and their
followers ... Therefore, I ask to be relieved from attending the (court)
hearings in this new comedy and you can do whatever you want," he wrote.
Saddam and six co-defendants face the possibility of execution if convicted
for Operation Anfal. The prosecution estimates that 180,000 Kurds were killed
when Saddam's army allegedly destroyed hundreds of villages, killing or making
homeless their residents in a scorched earth campaign against separatist
guerrillas in Iraq's northern Kurdish area.
On Nov. 5, Saddam was convicted in a separate trial in the slaying of 148
Shiite Muslims, including children, following an assassination attempt against
him in the town of Dujail in 1982. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
A lawyer for Saddam said Tuesday he had appealed to an American court in an
attempt to win a stay of execution in the Dujail case, arguing that the deposed
leader's rights had been violated by American troops.
But a U.S. district court judge in the District of Columbia rejected the
request Dec. 29 because the Italian lawyer is not a member of the D.C. bar.
If an Iraqi appeals court upholds the death sentence, Saddam could be hanged
early next year, according to Iraq's chief prosecutor.
Even if a U.S. court were to rule in Saddam's favor, there is no indication
that the Iraqi judiciary would apply the decision and stay the