Castro appears on Cuban TV
(AP) Updated: 2006-10-29 08:54
HAVANA - The ailing Fidel Castro appeared on Cuban state television for the
first time in more than a month Saturday, looking thin and tired but walking
around and ridiculing recent rumors of his death.
 This image from a broadcast on Cuban
television station Cubavision, shows Cuban leader Fidel Castro marching in
place at an unidentified location Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006. The 80-year-old
Cuban leader, who temporarily ceded power to his brother Raul in July
following intestinal surgery, had not been seen since mid-September when
photographs of him receiving world leaders at a summit in Havana were
released. [AP] |
The 80-year-old Cuban leader, who temporarily ceded power to his brother Raul
in July following intestinal surgery, had not been seen since mid-September when
photographs of him receiving world leaders at a summit in Havana were released.
He was shown walking slowly but steadily in an unidentified room and reading a
newspaper in a loud voice.
"They've declared me moribund prematurely," he said, holding a copy of
Saturday's edition of Granma, the Communist Party daily newspaper. "But it
pleases me to send my compatriots and friends this small video."
He said his recovery would be prolonged and not without risk but added: "I'm
not the least bit afraid of what will occur."
He said he was "coming along just as planned" and he called rumors of his
death ridiculous and insulting, claiming they were the work of his enemies.
"Let's see what they say now," he said.
The Cuban government has treated Castro's ailment as a state secret, and
rumors that he may have died had intensified in recent weeks. He has not made a
public appearance since July 26, a few days before he underwent surgery.
The video shown Saturday came a day after Castro's close friend and ally
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said the Cuban leader was walking and taking
trips at night into the countryside.