Russia urges restraint from DPRK over nuclear issue

Updated: 2006-10-04 17:16

Moscow -- Russia expressed "deep concern" and urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to exercise restraint on Tuesday after it announced plans to conduct a nuclear test.

"We believe this move would only lead to a further escalation of the military and political situation on the Korean peninsula and around it and further erosion of the international nuclear non- proliferation system," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The DPRK said in a statement earlier in the day that it "will in the future conduct a nuclear test under the condition where safety is firmly guaranteed." The statement did not give a specific date or location for the upcoming test.

"Russia calls on Pyongyang to show restraint and expresses the hope that the DPRK will make the right choice," the statement said.

"We take a respectful and careful attitude toward the anxiety (of the DPRK) over its security, but we believe that a solution to this problem should be sought within the framework of the six- party negotiations," it said.

Russia is part of the six-party talks, which also involve China, the DPRK, the United States, South Korea and Japan. The talks have been stalled since the first phase of the fifth round of talks last November.