China Luoyang Int'l Robot and Intelligent Equipment Exhibition held
2016-05-10 07:48Long March-7 rocket delivered to launch site in Hainan
2016-05-08 15:01China's first home-grown maglev starts trial operation in Changsha
2016-05-06 20:41China completes building mother ship for new submersible
2016-05-05 23:08
Trial operation of magnetic levitation line in Changsha to start
2016-05-05 16:15
Robot to sit the national college entrance exam in 2017
2016-05-05 15:21
Five contemporary Chinese science and engineering projects
2016-05-04 11:34Senior officer expects moon visit by 2036
2016-04-29 08:09
NASA views China as 'potential partner' in civilian space
2016-04-28 10:29China develops graphene electronic paper
2016-04-27 21:27Chinese sounding rocket launches
2016-04-27 15:55Li calls for integrated innovation
2016-04-26 07:59