
Foreign and Military Affairs

China eyes higher SCO caliber against terrorism

Updated: 2011-05-25 22:11


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BEIJING - China is ready to strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) further against terrorism and other security threats, said a defense ministry spokesman here on Wednesday.

"China is willing to continue stepping up its exchange and cooperation with the other (SCO) member countries in terms of defense and security, on the basis of mutual trust and reciprocity, and make joint efforts with them to improve our ability to combat the 'three evil forces' (of terrorism, separatism and extremism) and other new threats and challenges and create peaceful and stable environment for the country's development and people's livelihoods," Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said at a regular press conference.

"Cooperation in security is a top priority for the SCO," he added.

Founded in Shanghai in 2001, the SCO comprises six member countries, namely China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

When responding to questions related to the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, Geng said bin Laden's death was an "important event and welcome progress" in the global war against terrorism.

However, Geng said the anti-terrorism situation was still "grim and complex" as terrorist activities were still occurring frequently in the world.

"We believe that the international community should boost their cooperation and make more efforts to fight against terrorism," said the spokesman.


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