
From Chinese Media

Economist says China trade surplus will dip in 2011

Updated: 2011-05-16 13:03

By Ben Yue (

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China's trade surplus might go down to about $100 billion this year, and the country should keep reducing the percentage of GDP made up by trade, China Securities Journal cited Li Daokui, an adviser to the Chinese central bank's monetary policy committee, as saying.

Related readings:
Economist says China trade surplus will dip in 2011 China reports bigger trade surplus
Economist says China trade surplus will dip in 2011 China's April trade surplus stands at $11b
Economist says China trade surplus will dip in 2011 China says not seeking substantial trade surplus with US

Li said on Saturday that China's trade surplus could decrease from $180 billion last year to $120 billion this year, or even $100 billion, down 44 percent year-on-year. At the same time, the percentage that trade surplus makes up of GDP will fall to less than 2 percent.

The economist also suggested that China gradually reduce the proportion of trade surplus in GDP.


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